Martinborough is a picturesque vineyard region near Wellington. Coming through the Ngauranga Gorge on a sunny day, you can enjoy some stunning views. Many people come to Martinborough for excellent wine and culinary experiences. Not many of them actually know that you can admire purple fields of fragrant lavender here. In summer the Ranui Essentials Lavender Farm on Drive River Road organizes lavender picking weekends for the public. You pay $2 at the entrance and you get a basket and clippers. Pick as much as you want and pay $5 for a decent bunch as you leave. As a bonus, you can also buy some homemade lavender cosmetics. Lavender is known to help with headaches, insomnia, nervousness, and dizziness. Let the lavender dry out when you get home and it will beautifully scent your entire room.
Stop at Ocean Beach on your way back to Welly. After your romantic afternoon at the farm, you can appreciate a bit more dramatic scenery and wild waves forcing their way through the dark sand. No wonder swimming is banned in this area. Finish your day with a glass of Martinborough wine. Excellent one-day trip!